“It’s the beauty that thrills me with wonder. It’s the stillness that fills me with peace.” – Robert W. Service
Bench sales are not available at this time due to stock availability.
Benches line the trails and dot the wide-open spaces of the St. Charles community’s parks as a loving memory and peaceful reminder to stay and enjoy the awe of nature.
A Memorial Bench purchase includes a six-foot long bench, a concrete bench pad and installation. Benches are made with a steel-contoured seat, aluminum cast ornate frame and a glossy UltraCoat finish. Benches are ordered by Park District staff. Please allow up to 90 days for installation of the bench, weather permitting. Benches are installed between March and October. The District reserves the right to move or replace a bench.
Please note that due to liability concerns, visitors are not allowed in parks during the installation of benches. The District requests that you refrain from spreading ashes at the bench site.
Please note that the following parks are not accepting bench placements at this time:
Pottawatomie Park
Mt. St. Mary Park
Memorial Recognition
Bronze plaques are not included in the purchase of a memorial bench. It is your responsibility to order a bronze plaque at your choice of supplier. Plaque wording and size must be approved by Park District staff prior to purchase. For best results, a plaque should be ordered at the time the bench is donated so that it can be set in the wet concrete pad at the time of installation.
REMINDER: The bench with the plaque IS the memorial or honor for your recipient. We kindly ask that you do not leave personal items (lights, decorations, garland, vases, flowers, ornaments, trinkets, signage, etc.) onsite as they will be removed, per Park District Ordinance.
Purchase Information
Requests for memorial benches can be submitted at any time. Installations occur between March and October.
The first step in the purchase process is to contact Dave Johnson at djohnson@stcparks.org or 630-513-4362 to discuss parks available for bench installations.
Once you have worked with staff to establish a park location for a bench installation, please complete the form below with payment. Or print and complete the form below, make a check payable to the St. Charles Park Foundation and mail the form with payment to 213 Walnut Street, St. Charles, IL 60174.