"Perhaps nature is our best assurance of immortality." - Eleanor Roosevelt
A tree is a recognized symbol of nature’s strength and splendor in local parks. Most people respond to the presence of trees beyond simply observing their beauty. People of all ages may feel serene, peaceful, restful and tranquil in a grove of trees.
Planting trees enhance our local environment for future generations by:
Allowing for Species Diversification
Stabilizing the Soil & Preventing Erosion
Providing Food & Shelter for Wildlife
Supplying Oxygen & Improving Air Quality
Offering Shade & Enriching Aesthetics
Young trees in diameter of 2-3 inches are planted in the spring and the fall depending upon the appropriate planting season for the selected species. The District reserves the right to move or replace a tree.
Please note that due to liability concerns, visitors are not allowed in parks during planting of trees. The District requests that you refrain from spreading ashes at the tree site.
Tree Type Selection
A Memorial Tree will be chosen in consultation with the Park District's arborist who will adhere to the District's Tree Planting Plan. A tree may be selected from a variety of species chosen for the beauty of its growth and colors. The type of tree selected is based on park location and nursery stock. Each tree will be maintained in accordance with the District’s Tree Maintenance Program. Trees will be closely monitored and professionally maintained by the Park District.
Belgium Town Park
Cambridge Park
Cranston Meadows Park
East Side Sports Complex
Harvest Hills Park
James O. Breen Community Park
Langum Park
Majestic Oaks Park
Moody Park
Renaux Manor Park
River Bend Community Park
Please note that the following parks are not accepting tree plantings at this time:
Baker Field Park
Delnor Woods Park
Hunt Club Park
Kehoe Park
Lincoln Park
Mt. St. Mary Park
Pottawatomie Park
Memorial Recognition
Memorial Trees are commemorated with a complimentary recognition aluminum plaque, size 6 inches wide by 4 inches tall, with a silver background and black inscription. They will be installed as quickly as possible, weather and conditions permitting, and will be maintained for up to 10 years.
Inscriptions typically include your loved one’s name or name of your event and some special wording from you. You will submit your inscription on the form below.
REMINDER: The tree with the complimentary plaque IS the memorial or honor for your recipient. We kindly ask that you do not leave personal items (lights, decorations, garland, vases, flowers, ornaments, trinkets, signage, etc.) onsite as they will be removed, per Park District Ordinance.
Application Information
Applications are due in early May for a spring planting and in early September for the fall planting.
To make a purchase, please complete the form below with payment. Or print and complete the form below, make a check payable to the St. Charles Park Foundation and mail the form with payment to 213 Walnut Street, St. Charles, IL 60174.
After the form is submitted and payment is made, the Park District's arborist will contact you within 3 business days to discuss the tree type selection and location process.
Questions? Contact Dave Svitak at dsvitak@stcparks.org or 630-513-4384.